Crown City Hotel provides you with Quality accommodation ideal for leisure and business travelers.

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Crown City Hotel

About Crown City Hotel

A best place to enjoy your life

Crown City Hotel provides a wide range of services to its guests. Whether visiting on a business trip or enjoying the city of Lakes for pleasure, we’re always working on new ways to better care for you. Our budget homestay in Chandigarh offers well-appointed AC guest rooms accommodation, business & recreation facilities at a very affordable is one of the most prominent accommodation for your comfortable stay.

rooms & suits


Single room:
these rooms are assigned to one person or a couple.
Double room:
double rooms are assigned to two people.
Triple room:
as the name might suggest, this room is equipped for three people to stay.
Quad room:
a quad room is set up for four people to stay comfortably. This means the room will have two double beds.

what our clients say

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